
Who Wrote The Decoration Of Independence

The 2nd Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. We at present credit Thomas Jefferson with the Declaration's authorship, but that was not the instance on that momentous mean solar day, nor for a significant time afterward.

The document was drafted past a committee made up of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. Jefferson, recognized for his power with words, wrote the showtime typhoon; then it was edited past the others, and then edited over again by the whole Congress. 50-vi members of Congress signed it (i of them as late as November).

So how did Jefferson, "initially anonymous as the penman of the Declaration, gain renown equally its writer?" Robert Thousand.Due south. McDonald answers his ain question with this insightful exploration into the irresolute meanings of authorship and dominance, and the irresolute political scene. Betwixt 1776 and 1826, McDonald argues, the political usefulness of the Declaration "hinged on Americans' initial ignorance then gradual recognition of Jefferson's authorship."

During the Revolution, the Declaration was considered a argument of consensus collectively issued by the "unanimous" thirteen states. Committing an act of treason against the British Crown, the signers put down their names with courage and conviction: the document ends "we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." Its effectiveness came not from individual volition, but from the "self-evidence of its arguments."

But by the 1790s, the battle for independence had been won. The boxing for the United States had begun: "The Annunciation became a weapon of partisan warfare, and Jefferson'southward fame as its creator gradually increased," writes McDonald. John Adams, for i, was not pleased. He wondered in 1805 if there was "ever a coup dethéâtre  that had and so bully an effect equally Jefferson's penmanship of the Announcement of Independence?"

Jefferson himself wouldn't embrace his status every bit the "scribe of independence" publicly until the final year of his life. This wasn't simulated modesty; "sublimation of self" and political "disinterestedness" were 18th century givens. Recall that the Federalist Papers' 3 authors all signed every bit "Publius," and that the Constitution claimed authorship past "Nosotros, the People." Self-promotion was a 19th-century innovation.

Jefferson and Adams would famously reconcile in their final years. Both died on July iv, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Proclamation. Talk about a coup de théâtre ! So now we recognize Jefferson as the Declaration's writer, all the same McDonald reminds united states of america that Jefferson himself claimed there were no new ideas in it: credit too must go to Locke, Montesquieu, the Scottish Enlightenment, and the long struggle for English civil liberties, among other founts of liberty.


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Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Summer, 1999), pp. 169-195

University of Pennsylvania Press on behalf of the Society for Historians of the Early on American Republic


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